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and Four Senior Managers Sentenced for Environmental, Worker Safety Crimes
After Longest Trial in Environmental Crimes History
date: 04/27/2009
D.C. – April 27, 2009)
Friday, Atlantic States Cast Iron Pipe Co. of Phillipsburg, N.J., was sentenced
to pay a fine of $8 million for committing numerous environmental and worker
safety crimes. The judge also ordered the company to serve 48 months
“monitored” probation, requiring it to submit biannual reports to the court.
sentencing of the company followed sentencing of four former Atlantic States
managers to federal prison terms ranging from six months for former finishing
department manager Craig Davidson to 70 months for former plant manager John Prisque. Also sentenced were former Atlantic States
maintenance superintendent Jeffrey Maury (30 months), and former human
resources manager Scott Faubert (41 months).
sentences show that senior managers, as well as companies, will be prosecuted
when they break the law,” said Catherine McCabe, acting assistant administrator
for EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance. “The managers had an
obligation to run the facility safely and legally; instead, they committed
environmental crimes that polluted the air and water and put people’s health at
States, a division of McWane Industries, Inc. of
Birmingham, Alabama, is one of the world’s largest makers of cast-iron water
and sewer pipes with subsidiaries located throughout the United States and
Canada. This is the fourth criminal prosecution and sentencing involving a McWane, Inc. facility since 2005.
a seven-month trial, a jury on April 26, 2006 convicted Atlantic States and the
four managers of engaging in an eight-year conspiracy to pollute the air and
Delaware River in violation of the federal Clean Air and Clean Water Acts,
expose its employees to dangerous conditions, and impede and obstruct federal
regulatory and criminal investigations. (A fifth defendant was acquitted at
trial.) This was the longest federal
trial in environmental crimes history.
the trial, the government presented evidence that the defendants routinely
violated Clean Water Act permits by discharging petroleum-contaminated water
and paint into storm drains that led to the Delaware River; repeatedly violated
Clean Air Act permits by, among other things, burning tires and excessive
amounts of hazardous waste paint in the furnace; systematically altered
accident scenes and concealed serious worker injuries from health and safety
inspectors; routinely lied to federal, state, and local officials who were
investigating environmental and worker safety violations; and maintained a
dangerous workplace that contributed to multiple severe injuries and the death
of one employee at the plant.
company and each of the defendants were convicted of the main conspiracy count
in a 34-count Indictment. Atlantic States was convicted of a total of 32 of 34
counts, which also included five counts of making materially false statements
to state and federal environmental agencies and the federal Occupational Safety
& Health Administration; four counts of obstructing OSHA investigations;
and 22 counts of violating the federal Clean Water Act and one count of
violating the Clean Air Act. (Source: